Rediscovering the Milky Way with orbit superposition approach and APOGEE data II. Chrono-chemo-kinematics of the disc
Auteurs : Sergey Khoperskov, Matthias Steinmetz, Misha Haywood, Glenn van de Ven, Davor Krajnovic, Bridget Ratcliffe, Ivan Minchev, Paola Di Matteo, Nikolay Kacharov, Léa Marques, Marica Valentini, Roelof S. de Jong
Résumé : The stellar disc is the dominant luminous component of the Milky Way (MW). Although our understanding of its structure is rapidly expanding due to advances in large-scale stellar surveys, our picture of the MW disc remains substantially obscured by selection functions and incomplete spatial coverage of observational data. In this work, we present the comprehensive chrono-chemo-kinematic structure of the MW disc, recovered using a novel orbit superposition approach combined with data from APOGEE DR 17. We detect periodic azimuthal metallicity variations within 6-8 kpc with an amplitude of 0.05-0.1 dex peaking along the bar major axis. The radial metallicity profile of the MW also varies with azimuth, displaying a pattern typical among other disc galaxies: a decline outside the solar radius and an almost flat profile in the inner region, attributed to the presence of old, metal-poor high-{\alpha} populations, which comprise about 40% of the total stellar mass. The geometrically defined thick disc and the high-{\alpha} populations have comparable masses, with differences in their stellar population content, which we quantify using the reconstructed 3D MW structure. The well-known [{\alpha}/Fe]-bimodality in the MW disc, once weighted by stellar mass, is less pronounced at a given metallicity for the whole galaxy but distinctly visible in a narrow range of galactic radii (5-9 kpc), explaining its relative lack of prominence in external galaxies and galaxy formation simulations. Analysing a more evident double age-abundance sequence, we construct a scenario for the MW disc formation, advocating for an inner/outer disc dichotomy genetically linked to the MW's evolutionary stages. In this picture, the extended solar vicinity is a transition zone that shares chemical properties of both the inner (old age-metallicity sequence) and outer discs (young age-metallicity sequence).
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