Exoplanetary Microlensing

Auteurs : B. Scott Gaudi (Ohio State University)

arXiv: 1002.0332v1 - DOI (astro-ph.EP)
35 pages. Refereed chapter in EXOPLANETS, edited by S. Seager, to be published as part of the Space Science Series of the University of Arizona Press (Tucson, AZ)

Résumé : Gravitational microlensing occurs when a foreground star happens to pass very close to our line of sight to a more distant background star. The foreground star acts as a lens, splitting the light from the source star into two images, which are typically unresolved. However, these images are also magnified, by an amount that depends on the angular lens-source separation. The relative lens-source motion results in a time-variable source magnification: a microlensing event. If the foreground star happens to host a planet with projected separation near the paths of these images, the planet will further perturb the images, resulting in a characteristic, short-lived signature of the planet. This chapter provides an introduction to the discovery and characterization of exoplanets with gravitational microlensing. The theoretical foundation of the method is reviewed, focusing on the phenomenology of planetary perturbations. The strengths and weakness of the microlensing technique are discussed, highlighting the fact that it is sensitive to low-mass planets with separations just beyond the snow line, orbiting stars located throughout the Galactic disk and foreground bulge. An overview of the practice of microlensing planet searches is given, with a discussion of some of the challenges with detecting and analyzing planetary perturbations. The chapter concludes with a review of the results that have been obtained to date, and a discussion of the near and long-term prospects for microlensing planet surveys. Ultimately, microlensing is potentially sensitive to multiple-planet systems containing analogs of all the solar system planets except Mercury, as well as to free floating planets, and will provide a crucial test of planet formation theories by determining the demographics of planets throughout the Galaxy.

Soumis à arXiv le 01 Fév. 2010

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