Magnetic field-induced exchange effects between Mn ions and free carriers in ZnSe quantum well through the intermediate nonmagnetic barrier studied by photoluminescence

Auteurs : D. M. Zayachuk, T. Slobodskyy, G. V. Astakhov, A. Slobodskyy, C. Gould, G. Schmidt, W. Ossau, L. W. Molenkamp

Phys. Rev. B 83, 085308 (2011)
arXiv: 1101.0251v2 - DOI (cond-mat.mes-hall)

Résumé : Photoluminescence (PL) of the 50 nm $Zn_{0.9}Be_{0.05}Mn_{0.05}Se$/ $d$ nm $Zn_{0.943}Be_{0.057}Se$/ 2.5 nm $ZnSe$/ 30 nm $Zn_{0.943}Be_{0.057}Se$ structures is investigated as a function of magnetic field ($B$) and thickness ($d$) of intermediate $Zn_{0.943}Be_{0.057}Se$ nonmagnetic barrier between the $Zn_{0.9}Be_{0.05}Mn_{0.05}Se$ semimagnetic barrier and $ZnSe$ quantum well at the temperature 1.2 K. The rate of the shift of different PL bands of the structures under study is estimated in low and high magnetic fields. The causes of the shift rate increase under pass from low to high magnetic fields are interpreted. The peculiarities of the effect of the intermediate barrier on the luminescence properties of the structures are presented. It is shown that deformation of adjacent layers by the barrier plays a crucial role in the formation of these properties, especially in forming the $Mn$ complexes in the $Zn_{0.9}Be_{0.05}Mn_{0.05}Se$ layer. The change of the band gap as well as of the donor and acceptor levels energies under the effect of biaxial compression of the $Zn_{0.9}Be_{0.05}Mn_{0.05}Se$ layer by the $Zn_{0.943}Be_{0.057}Se$ are estimated. It is concluded that the $Zn_{0.943}Be_{0.057}Se$ intermediate barrier also appreciably changes the effect of giant Zeeman splitting of the semimagnetic $Zn_{0.9}Be_{0.05}Mn_{0.05}Se$ barrier energy levels on the movement of the energy levels of $ZnSe$ quantum well in a magnetic field and on polarization of the quantum well exciton emission.

Soumis à arXiv le 31 Déc. 2010

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