On religion and language evolutions seen through mathematical and agent based models

Auteurs : M. Ausloos

Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Chess Interactions Conference (World Scientific, Singapore, 2010) pp. 157-182
arXiv: 1103.5382v1 - DOI (physics.soc-ph)
15 pages, 2 figures, invited paper at CHESS 2009; Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Chess Interactions Conference: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 17-20 August 2009 ; pp. 157-182

Résumé : (shortened version) Religions and languages are social variables, like age, sex, wealth or political opinions, to be studied like any other organizational parameter. In fact, religiosity is one of the most important sociological aspects of populations. Languages are also a characteristics of the human kind. New religions, new languages appear though others disappear. All religions and languages evolve when they adapt to the society developments. On the other hand, the number of adherents of a given religion, the number of persons speaking a language is not fixed. Several questions can be raised. E.g. from a macroscopic point of view : How many religions/languages exist at a given time? What is their distribution? What is their life time? How do they evolve?. From a microscopic view point: can one invent agent based models to describe macroscopic aspects? Does it exist simple evolution equations? It is intuitively accepted, but also found through from statistical analysis of the frequency distribution that an attachment process is the primary cause of the distribution evolution : usually the initial religion/language is that of the mother. Later on, changes can occur either due to heterogeneous agent interaction processes or due to external field constraints, - or both. Such cases can be illustrated with historical facts and data. It is stressed that characteristic time scales are different, and recalled that external fields are very relevant in the case of religions, rending the study more interesting within a mechanistic approach

Soumis à arXiv le 28 Mar. 2011

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