Big Models: From Beijing to the whole China

Auteurs : Ying Long, Kang Wu, Jianghao Wang, Zhenjiang Shen

22 pages, 11 figures

Résumé : This paper propose the concept of big model as a novel research paradigm for regional and urban studies. Big models are fine-scale regional/urban simulation models for a large geographical area, and they overcome the trade-off between simulated scale and spatial unit by tackling both of them at the same time enabled by emerging big/open data, increasing computation power and matured regional/urban modeling methods. The concept, characteristics, and potential applications of big models have been elaborated. We addresse several case studies to illustrate the progress of research and utilization on big models, including mapping urban areas for all Chinese cities, performing parcel-level urban simulation, and several ongoing research projects. Most of these applications can be adopted across the country, and all of them are focusing on a fine-scale level, such as a parcel, a block, or a township (sub-district), which is not the same with the existing studies using conventional models that are only suitable for a certain single or two cities or regions, or for a larger area but have to significantly sacrifice the data resolution. It is expected that big models will mark a promising new era for the urban and regional study in the age of big data.

Soumis à arXiv le 24 Jui. 2014

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