DAFNE Consolidation Program and Operation with the KLOE-2 Detector
Auteurs : Catia Milardi, David Alesini, Maria Enrica Biagini, Simone Bini, Manuela Boscolo, Bruno Buonomo, Sergio Cantarella, Antonio De Santis, Giampiero Di Pirro, Giovanni Delle Monache, Alessandro Drago, Luca Foggetta, Oscar Frasciello, Alessandro Gallo, Riccardo Gargana, Andrea Ghigo, Francesco Guatieri, Susanna Guiducci, Franco Iungo, Carlo Ligi, Andrea Michelotti, Luigi Pellegrino, Ruggero Ricci, Ugo Rotundo, Giancarlo Sensolini, Angelo Stella, Alessandro Stecchi, Mikhail Zobov, Dmitry Shatilov, Alexander Valishev
Résumé : After a long preparatory phase, including a wide hardware consolidation program, the Italian lepton collider DAFNE, is now systematically delivering data to the KLOE-2 experiment. In approximately 200 days of operation 1 fb-1 has been given to the detector limiting the background to a level compatible with an efficient data acquisition. Instantaneous and maximum daily integrated luminosity measured, so far, are considerably higher with respect to the previous KLOE runs, and are: L(inst) ~ 2.0 1032 cm-2s-1, and L(day) ~ 12.5 pb-1 respectively. A general review concerning refurbishing activities, machine optimization efforts and data taking performances is presented and discussed.
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