Breaking the Barriers to True Augmented Reality
Auteurs : Christian Sandor, Martin Fuchs, Alvaro Cassinelli, Hao Li, Richard Newcombe, Goshiro Yamamoto, Steven Feiner
Résumé : In recent years, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have gained considerable commercial traction, with Facebook acquiring Oculus VR for \$2 billion, Magic Leap attracting more than \$500 million of funding, and Microsoft announcing their HoloLens head-worn computer. Where is humanity headed: a brave new dystopia-or a paradise come true? In this article, we present discussions, which started at the symposium "Making Augmented Reality Real", held at Nara Institute of Science and Technology in August 2014. Ten scientists were invited to this three-day event, which started with a full day of public presentations and panel discussions (video recordings are available at the event web page), followed by two days of roundtable discussions addressing the future of AR and VR.
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