Data-driven HR - Résumé Analysis Based on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

Auteurs : Tim Zimmermann, Leo Kotschenreuther, Karsten Schmidt

Research Prototype, Technical Report
Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Résumé : Recruiters usually spend less than a minute looking at each r\'esum\'e when deciding whether it's worth continuing the recruitment process with the candidate. Recruiters focus on keywords, and it's almost impossible to guarantee a fair process of candidate selection. The main scope of this paper is to tackle this issue by introducing a data-driven approach that shows how to process r\'esum\'es automatically and give recruiters more time to only examine promising candidates. Furthermore, we show how to leverage Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing in order to extract all required information from the r\'esum\'es. Once the information is extracted, a ranking score is calculated. The score describes how well the candidates fit based on their education, work experience and skills. Later this paper illustrates a prototype application that shows how this novel approach can increase the productivity of recruiters. The application enables them to filter and rank candidates based on predefined job descriptions. Guided by the ranking, recruiters can get deeper insights from candidate profiles and validate why and how the application ranked them. This application shows how to improve the hiring process by giving an unbiased hiring decision support.

Soumis à arXiv le 17 Jui. 2016

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