Scope for Machine Learning in Digital Manufacturing

Auteurs : Martin Baumers, Ender Ozcan

Royal Society Workshop on Realising the Benefits of Machine Learning in Manufacturing
Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Résumé : This provocation paper provides an overview of the underlying optimisation problem in the emerging field of Digital Manufacturing. Initially, this paper discusses how the notion of Digital Manufacturing is transforming from a term describing a suite of software tools for the integration of production and design functions towards a more general concept incorporating computerised manufacturing and supply chain processes, as well as information collection and utilisation across the product life cycle. On this basis, we use the example of one such manufacturing process, Additive Manufacturing, to identify an integrated multi-objective optimisation problem underlying Digital Manufacturing. Forming an opportunity for a concurrent application of data science and optimisation, a set of challenges arising from this problem is outlined.

Soumis à arXiv le 19 Sep. 2016

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