Opening the black box of deep learning

Auteurs : Dian Lei, Xiaoxiao Chen, Jianfei Zhao

Résumé : The great success of deep learning shows that its technology contains profound truth, and understanding its internal mechanism not only has important implications for the development of its technology and effective application in various fields, but also provides meaningful insights into the understanding of human brain mechanism. At present, most of the theoretical research on deep learning is based on mathematics. This dissertation proposes that the neural network of deep learning is a physical system, examines deep learning from three different perspectives: microscopic, macroscopic, and physical world views, answers multiple theoretical puzzles in deep learning by using physics principles. For example, from the perspective of quantum mechanics and statistical physics, this dissertation presents the calculation methods for convolution calculation, pooling, normalization, and Restricted Boltzmann Machine, as well as the selection of cost functions, explains why deep learning must be deep, what characteristics are learned in deep learning, why Convolutional Neural Networks do not have to be trained layer by layer, and the limitations of deep learning, etc., and proposes the theoretical direction and basis for the further development of deep learning now and in the future. The brilliance of physics flashes in deep learning, we try to establish the deep learning technology based on the scientific theory of physics.

Soumis à arXiv le 22 Mai. 2018

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