Wearable Posture Monitoring System with Vibration Feedback
Auteurs : Alyazyah Alsuwaidi, Aisha Alzarouni, Dana Bazazeh, Nawaf Almoosa, Kinda Khalaf, Raed Shubair
Résumé : Around 50 billion dollars is spent yearly on therapy for low back pain in the United States alone. Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for doctor visits. Having poor posture has been found to be a main cause of lower back pain as it impacts the transverse abdominal muscle. Maintaining a good posture and changing position from time to time is considered to significantly improve and maintain personal health. The world has witnessed a vast amount of smart monitoring devices that are used to enhance the quality of life by providing different types of support. Smart wearable technology has been the main focus of this century, specifically in the medical field, where the advances range from heartbeat monitors to hearing aids. This report highlights the design, development and validation process of a compact wearable device that uses multiple sensors to measure the back posture of a user in real time and notify them once poor posture is detected.
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