Synscapes: A Photorealistic Synthetic Dataset for Street Scene Parsing
Auteurs : Magnus Wrenninge, Jonas Unger
Résumé : We introduce Synscapes -- a synthetic dataset for street scene parsing created using photorealistic rendering techniques, and show state-of-the-art results for training and validation as well as new types of analysis. We study the behavior of networks trained on real data when performing inference on synthetic data: a key factor in determining the equivalence of simulation environments. We also compare the behavior of networks trained on synthetic data and evaluated on real-world data. Additionally, by analyzing pre-trained, existing segmentation and detection models, we illustrate how uncorrelated images along with a detailed set of annotations open up new avenues for analysis of computer vision systems, providing fine-grain information about how a model's performance changes according to factors such as distance, occlusion and relative object orientation.
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