Direct current resistivity with steel-cased wells

Auteurs : Lindsey J. Heagy, Douglas W. Oldenburg

arXiv: 1810.12446v2 - DOI (physics.geo-ph)
Geophysical Journal International

Résumé : The work in this paper is motivated by the increasing use of electrical and electromagnetic methods in geoscience problems where steel-cased wells are present. Applications of interest include monitoring carbon capture and storage and hydraulic fracturing operations, as well as detecting flaws or breaks in degrading steel-casings -- such wells pose serious environmental hazards. The general principles of electrical methods with steel-cased wells are understood, and several authors have demonstrated that the presence of steel-cased wells can be beneficial for detecting signal due to targets at depth. However, the success of a DC resistivity survey lies in the details. Secondary signals might only be a few percent of the primary signal. In designing a survey, the geometry of the source and receivers, and whether the source is at the top of the casing, inside of it, or beneath the casing will impact measured responses. Also the physical properties and geometry of the background geology, target, and casing will have a large impact on the measured data. Because of the small values of the diagnostic signals, it is important to understand the detailed physics of the problem and also to be able to carry out accurate simulations. This latter task is computationally challenging because of the extreme geometry of the wells, which extend kilometers in depth but have millimeter variations in the radial direction, and the extreme variation in the electrical conductivity (typically 5-7 orders of magnitude between the casing and the background geology).

Soumis à arXiv le 29 Oct. 2018

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