Slice theorem and orbit type stratification in infinite dimensions

Auteurs : Tobias Diez, Gerd Rudolph

Differential Geometry and its Applications 65 (2019), p. 176-211

Résumé : We establish a general slice theorem for the action of a locally convex Lie group on a locally convex manifold, which generalizes the classical slice theorem of Palais to infinite dimensions. We discuss two important settings under which the assumptions of this theorem are fulfilled. First, using Gl\"ockner's inverse function theorem, we show that the linear action of a compact Lie group on a Fr\'echet space admits a slice. Second, using the Nash--Moser theorem, we establish a slice theorem for the tame action of a tame Fr\'echet Lie group on a tame Fr\'echet manifold. For this purpose, we develop the concept of a graded Riemannian metric, which allows the construction of a path-length metric compatible with the manifold topology and of a local addition. Finally, generalizing a classical result in finite dimensions, we prove that the existence of a slice implies that the decomposition of the manifold into orbit types of the group action is a stratification.

Soumis à arXiv le 11 Déc. 2018

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