A machine-learning approach to Detect users' suspicious behaviour through the Facebook wall
Auteurs : Aimilia Panagiotou, Bogdan Ghita, Stavros Shiaeles, Keltoum Bendiab
Résumé : Facebook represents the current de-facto choice for social media, changing the nature of social relationships. The increasing amount of personal information that runs through this platform publicly exposes user behaviour and social trends, allowing aggregation of data through conventional intelligence collection techniques such as OSINT (Open Source Intelligence). In this paper, we propose a new method to detect and diagnose variations in overall Facebook user psychology through Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and machine learning techniques. We are aggregating the spectrum of user sentiments and views by using N-Games charts, which exhibit noticeable variations over time, validated through long term collection. We postulate that the proposed approach can be used by security organisations to understand and evaluate the user psychology, then use the information to predict insider threats or prevent insider attacks.
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