Smart Inventory Management System for Photovoltaic-Powered Freezer Using Wireless Sensor Network

Auteurs : Janus Jade A. Basa, Patrick Lourenz G. Cu, Nathaniel N. Malabag, Luigi Angelo V. Naag, Dan Frederico P. Abacco, Mar Jun M. Siquihod, Gilfred Allen Madrigal, Lean Karlo S. Tolentino

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research (2019) 393-397
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : An inventory management system for the freezer powered by photovoltaic panels was developed in this study. It aims to promote energy efficiency and the responsible use of food. Its sensor network is an Arduino-based wireless network of sensors on a solar-powered freezer that is used to develop a smart inventory management system that is accessible and is easy to use. By having network of sensors implemented inside the freezer, the inventory of perishable and non-perishable items can easily be monitored without having to physically check the inside of the freezer. In connection with this, a complemental Android application was developed that would receive and display the data sent from the sensor network through GSM Shield SIM800L.

Soumis à arXiv le 04 Nov. 2019

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