Galaxy evolution studies in clusters: the case of Cl0024+1652 cluster galaxies at z$\sim$0.4

Auteurs : Zeleke Beyoro-Amado (Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute), {E-mail (Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute), : (Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute), zbamado@gmail. com} (Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute), Mirjana Pović (Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute), Miguel Sánchez-Portal (Instituto de Radioastronomía Milimétrica, E-18012 Granada, Spain), Solomon Belay Tessema (Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute), Tilahun Getachew-Woreta (Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute), the GLACE team

arXiv: 2004.01892v1 - DOI (astro-ph.GA)
5 pages, 3 figures; Proceedings paper of the IAU symposium 356 "Nuclear Activity in Galaxies Across Cosmic Time" (Ethiopia) accepted to be published under the Cambridge University Press, eds. M. Povic, P. Marziani, J. Masegosa, H. Netzer, S. H. Negu, and S. B. Tessema
Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Résumé : Studying the transformation of cluster galaxies contributes a lot to have a clear picture of evolution of the universe. Towards that we are studying different properties (morphology, star formation, AGN contribution and metallicity) of galaxies in clusters up to $z\sim1.0$ taking three different clusters: ZwCl0024+1652 at $z\sim0.4$, RXJ1257+4738 at $z\sim0.9$ and Virgo at $z\sim0.0038$. For ZwCl0024+1652 and RXJ1257+4738 clusters we used tunable filters data from GLACE survey taken with GTC 10.4 m telescope and other public data, while for Virgo we used public data. We did the morphological classification of 180 galaxies in ZwCl0024+1652 using galSVM, where 54\% and 46\% of galaxies were classified as early-type (ET) and late-type (LT) respectively. We did a comparison between the three clusters within the clustercentric distance of 1Mpc and found that ET proportion (decreasing with redshift) dominates over the LT (increasing with redshift) throughout. We finalized the data reduction for ZwCl0024+1652 cluster and identified 46 [OIII] and 73 H$\beta$ emission lines. For this cluster we have classified 22 emission line galaxies (ELGs) using BPT-NII diagnostic diagram resulting with 14 composite, 1 AGN and 7 star forming (SF) galaxies. We are using these results, together with the public data, for further analysis of the variations of properties in relation to redshift within $z<1.0$.

Soumis à arXiv le 04 Avr. 2020

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