Investigating Current State-of-The-Art Applications of Supportive Technologies for Individuals with ADHD
Auteurs : Fatemah Husain
Résumé : Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic mental and behavioral disorder that interferes with everyday activities and has three core symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. To help in reducing the effects of ADHD symptoms, there are multiple treatments, but none of them help in curing ADHD. Assistive technologies offer great opportunities in delivering treatments, especially those related to behavioral interventions, monitoring, and changing in a more flexible, acceptable and accessible way. Focusing on assistive technology for children with ADHD is very important as early support during childhood prevents the manifestation of its symptoms before entering adulthood. This systematic literature review paper investigates the available studies covering assistive technologies for children with ADHD. The contribution of this paper can help Human-Computer Interaction researchers to identify the procedures and research methods used throughout requirements, design, and evaluation phases in developing assistive technology for children with ADHD. Moreover, it provides researchers with information regarding frameworks and protocols of conducting studies on ADHD, current available solutions, and their limitations.
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