Learning Directional Feature Maps for Cardiac MRI Segmentation

Auteurs : Feng Cheng, Cheng Chen, Yukang Wang, Heshui Shi, Yukun Cao, Dandan Tu, Changzheng Zhang, Yongchao Xu

Accepted by MICCAI2020

Résumé : Cardiac MRI segmentation plays a crucial role in clinical diagnosis for evaluating personalized cardiac performance parameters. Due to the indistinct boundaries and heterogeneous intensity distributions in the cardiac MRI, most existing methods still suffer from two aspects of challenges: inter-class indistinction and intra-class inconsistency. To tackle these two problems, we propose a novel method to exploit the directional feature maps, which can simultaneously strengthen the differences between classes and the similarities within classes. Specifically, we perform cardiac segmentation and learn a direction field pointing away from the nearest cardiac tissue boundary to each pixel via a direction field (DF) module. Based on the learned direction field, we then propose a feature rectification and fusion (FRF) module to improve the original segmentation features, and obtain the final segmentation. The proposed modules are simple yet effective and can be flexibly added to any existing segmentation network without excessively increasing time and space complexity. We evaluate the proposed method on the 2017 MICCAI Automated Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge (ACDC) dataset and a large-scale self-collected dataset, showing good segmentation performance and robust generalization ability of the proposed method.

Soumis à arXiv le 22 Jul. 2020

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