Integrated nanoextraction and colorimetric reactions in surface nanodroplets for combinative analysis

Auteurs : Zixiang Wei, Miaosi Li, Hongbo Zeng, Xuehua Zhang

Analytic Chemistry (2020)
arXiv: 2009.04672v1 - DOI (cond-mat.soft)

Résumé : A combinative approach for chemical analysis makes it possible to distinguish a mixture of a large number of compounds from other mixtures in a single step. This work demonstrates a combinative analysis approach by using surface nanodroplets for integrating nanoextraction and colorimetric reactions for the identification of multi-component mixtures. The model analytes are acidic compounds dissolved in oil that are extracted into aqueous droplets on a solid substrate. The proton from acid dissociation reacts with the halochromic chemical compounds inside the droplets, leading to the color change of the droplets. The rate of the colorimetric reaction exhibits certain specificity for the acid type, distinguishing acid mixtures with the same pH value. The underlying principle is that the acid transport rate is associated with the partition coefficient and the dissociation constant of the acid, in addition to the concentration in oil. As a demonstration, we showed that droplet-based combinative analysis can be applied for anti-counterfeiting of various alcoholic spirits by comparing decolor time of organic acid mixtures in the spirits. The readout can be done by using a common hand-hold mobile phone.

Soumis à arXiv le 10 Sep. 2020

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