Early Detection of Fake News by Utilizing the Credibility of News, Publishers, and Users Based on Weakly Supervised Learning

Auteurs : Chunyuan Yuan, Qianwen Ma, Wei Zhou, Jizhong Han, Songlin Hu

Accepted as a long paper at COLING 2020
Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Résumé : The dissemination of fake news significantly affects personal reputation and public trust. Recently, fake news detection has attracted tremendous attention, and previous studies mainly focused on finding clues from news content or diffusion path. However, the required features of previous models are often unavailable or insufficient in early detection scenarios, resulting in poor performance. Thus, early fake news detection remains a tough challenge. Intuitively, the news from trusted and authoritative sources or shared by many users with a good reputation is more reliable than other news. Using the credibility of publishers and users as prior weakly supervised information, we can quickly locate fake news in massive news and detect them in the early stages of dissemination. In this paper, we propose a novel Structure-aware Multi-head Attention Network (SMAN), which combines the news content, publishing, and reposting relations of publishers and users, to jointly optimize the fake news detection and credibility prediction tasks. In this way, we can explicitly exploit the credibility of publishers and users for early fake news detection. We conducted experiments on three real-world datasets, and the results show that SMAN can detect fake news in 4 hours with an accuracy of over 91%, which is much faster than the state-of-the-art models.

Soumis à arXiv le 08 Déc. 2020

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