Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Education: Benefits, Challenges and Strategies of Implementation

Auteurs : Mieczysław L. Owoc, Agnieszka Sawicka, Paweł Weichbroth

Licence : CC BY-SA 4.0

Résumé : Since the education sector is associated with highly dynamic business environments which are controlled and maintained by information systems, recent technological advancements and the increasing pace of adopting artificial intelligence (AI) technologies constitute a need to identify and analyze the issues regarding their implementation in education sector. However, a study of the contemporary literature reveled that relatively little research has been undertaken in this area. To fill this void, we have identified the benefits and challenges of implementing artificial intelligence in the education sector, preceded by a short discussion on the concepts of AI and its evolution over time. Moreover, we have also reviewed modern AI technologies for learners and educators, currently available on the software market, evaluating their usefulness. Last but not least, we have developed a strategy implementation model, described by a five-stage, generic process, along with the corresponding configuration guide. To verify and validate their design, we separately developed three implementation strategies for three different higher education organizations. We believe that the obtained results will contribute to better understanding the specificities of AI systems, services and tools, and afterwards pave a smooth way in their implementation.

Soumis à arXiv le 11 Fév. 2021

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