Designing and Implementing e-justice Systems: An Information Systems Approach to Regional Trial Court Case Docket Management in Northern Mindanao, Philippines

Auteurs : Benzar Glen Grepon

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Research, 8 (2020) 44-54
11 pages
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Computer-based information systems for case management are still at an early stage of adoption in many trial courts in the Philippines. In most cases, information system implemented is the case docket using the official record book on which cases are written and inventory of cases and reports are generated. This is a standalone system that often face data processing, data security and case management challenges. However, there are examples of Information systems in overcoming these pitfalls and producing innovative solutions that surpass data management practices in in many trial courts in the country. One such case is the Regional Trial Court Branch 23 of Cagayan de Oro City in Northern Mindanao, Philippines. A project named Web-based Case Docket Information System (WCDIS) has been designed and developed for the court branch. This system uses a framework known as System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which is a guide for the design and development. This paper also discusses the key system functionalities and the implementation methodology, including both the benefits and shortcomings of this approach, with the goal of applying lessons learned for future installations. Foremost among the successes of this project is its ability to increase efficiency and reliability in completing court transactions.

Soumis à arXiv le 11 Mar. 2021

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