How to Train Your MAML to Excel in Few-Shot Classification

Auteurs : Han-Jia Ye, Wei-Lun Chao

Licence : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Résumé : Model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) is arguably the most popular meta-learning algorithm nowadays, given its flexibility to incorporate various model architectures and to be applied to different problems. Nevertheless, its performance on few-shot classification is far behind many recent algorithms dedicated to the problem. In this paper, we point out several key facets of how to train MAML to excel in few-shot classification. First, we find that a large number of gradient steps are needed for the inner loop update, which contradicts the common usage of MAML for few-shot classification. Second, we find that MAML is sensitive to the permutation of class assignments in meta-testing: for a few-shot task of $N$ classes, there are exponentially many ways to assign the learned initialization of the $N$-way classifier to the $N$ classes, leading to an unavoidably huge variance. Third, we investigate several ways for permutation invariance and find that learning a shared classifier initialization for all the classes performs the best. On benchmark datasets such as MiniImageNet and TieredImageNet, our approach, which we name UNICORN-MAML, performs on a par with or even outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms, while keeping the simplicity of MAML without adding any extra sub-networks.

Soumis à arXiv le 30 Jui. 2021

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