MIDV-2020: A Comprehensive Benchmark Dataset for Identity Document Analysis

Auteurs : Konstantin Bulatov, Ekaterina Emelianova, Daniil Tropin, Natalya Skoryukina, Yulia Chernyshova, Alexander Sheshkus, Sergey Usilin, Zuheng Ming, Jean-Christophe Burie, Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman, Vladimir V. Arlazarov

Computer Optics, volume 46, issue 2, p. 252-270, 2022

Résumé : Identity documents recognition is an important sub-field of document analysis, which deals with tasks of robust document detection, type identification, text fields recognition, as well as identity fraud prevention and document authenticity validation given photos, scans, or video frames of an identity document capture. Significant amount of research has been published on this topic in recent years, however a chief difficulty for such research is scarcity of datasets, due to the subject matter being protected by security requirements. A few datasets of identity documents which are available lack diversity of document types, capturing conditions, or variability of document field values. In addition, the published datasets were typically designed only for a subset of document recognition problems, not for a complex identity document analysis. In this paper, we present a dataset MIDV-2020 which consists of 1000 video clips, 2000 scanned images, and 1000 photos of 1000 unique mock identity documents, each with unique text field values and unique artificially generated faces, with rich annotation. For the presented benchmark dataset baselines are provided for such tasks as document location and identification, text fields recognition, and face detection. With 72409 annotated images in total, to the date of publication the proposed dataset is the largest publicly available identity documents dataset with variable artificially generated data, and we believe that it will prove invaluable for advancement of the field of document analysis and recognition. The dataset is available for download at ftp://smartengines.com/midv-2020 and http://l3i-share.univ-lr.fr .

Soumis à arXiv le 01 Jul. 2021

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