Packing: Towards 2x NLP BERT Acceleration

Auteurs : Matej Kosec, Sheng Fu, Mario Michael Krell

Licence : CC BY-SA 4.0

Résumé : We find that at sequence length 512 padding tokens represent in excess of 50% of the Wikipedia dataset used for pretraining BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers). Therefore by removing all padding we achieve a 2x speed-up in terms of sequences/sec. To exploit this characteristic of the dataset, we develop and contrast two deterministic packing algorithms. Both algorithms rely on the assumption that sequences are interchangeable and therefore packing can be performed on the histogram of sequence lengths, rather than per sample. This transformation of the problem leads to algorithms which are fast and have linear complexity in dataset size. The shortest-pack-first histogram-packing (SPFHP) algorithm determines the packing order for the Wikipedia dataset of over 16M sequences in 0.02 seconds. The non-negative least-squares histogram-packing (NNLSHP) algorithm converges in 28.4 seconds but produces solutions which are more depth efficient, managing to get near optimal packing by combining a maximum of 3 sequences in one sample. Using the dataset with multiple sequences per sample requires additional masking in the attention layer and a modification of the MLM loss function. We demonstrate that both of these changes are straightforward to implement and have relatively little impact on the achievable performance gain on modern hardware. Finally, we pretrain BERT-Large using the packed dataset, demonstrating no loss of convergence and the desired 2x speed-up.

Soumis à arXiv le 29 Jui. 2021

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