On some information-theoretic aspects of non-linear statistical inverse problems

Auteurs : Richard Nickl, Gabriel Paternain

21 pages

Résumé : Results by van der Vaart (1991) from semi-parametric statistics about the existence of a non-zero Fisher information are reviewed in an infinite-dimensional non-linear Gaussian regression setting. Information-theoretically optimal inference on aspects of the unknown parameter is possible if and only if the adjoint of the linearisation of the regression map satisfies a certain range condition. It is shown that this range condition may fail in a commonly studied elliptic inverse problem with a divergence form equation, and that a large class of smooth linear functionals of the conductivity parameter cannot be estimated efficiently in this case. In particular, Gaussian `Bernstein von Mises'-type approximations for Bayesian posterior distributions do not hold in this setting.

Soumis à arXiv le 20 Jul. 2021

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