Mind the Gap: Reimagining an Interactive Programming Course for the Synchronous Hybrid Classroom

Auteurs : Christopher M. Poskitt, Kyong Jin Shim, Yi Meng Lau, Hong Seng Ong

Proc. HICSS 2022, pages 931-940. ScholarSpace, 2022
Accepted by the 34th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2022): Special Track of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2022)

Résumé : COVID-19 has significantly affected universities, forcing many courses to be delivered entirely online. As countries bring the pandemic under control, a potential way to safely resume some face-to-face teaching is the synchronous hybrid classroom, in which physically and remotely attending students are taught simultaneously. This comes with challenges, however, including the risk that remotely attending students perceive a 'gap' between their engagement and that of their physical peers. In this experience report, we describe how an interactive programming course was adapted to hybrid delivery in a way that mitigated this risk. Our solution centred on the use of a professional communication platform - Slack - to equalise participation opportunities and to facilitate peer learning. Furthermore, to mitigate 'Zoom fatigue', we implemented a semi-flipped classroom, covering concepts in videos and using shorter lessons to consolidate them. Finally, we critically reflect on the results of a student survey and our own experiences of implementing the solution.

Soumis à arXiv le 19 Sep. 2021

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