AUTO-DISCERN: Autonomous Driving Using Common Sense Reasoning

Auteurs : Suraj Kothawade, Vinaya Khandelwal, Kinjal Basu, Huaduo Wang, Gopal Gupta

Résumé : Driving an automobile involves the tasks of observing surroundings, then making a driving decision based on these observations (steer, brake, coast, etc.). In autonomous driving, all these tasks have to be automated. Autonomous driving technology thus far has relied primarily on machine learning techniques. We argue that appropriate technology should be used for the appropriate task. That is, while machine learning technology is good for observing and automatically understanding the surroundings of an automobile, driving decisions are better automated via commonsense reasoning rather than machine learning. In this paper, we discuss (i) how commonsense reasoning can be automated using answer set programming (ASP) and the goal-directed s(CASP) ASP system, and (ii) develop the AUTO-DISCERN system using this technology for automating decision-making in driving. The goal of our research, described in this paper, is to develop an autonomous driving system that works by simulating the mind of a human driver. Since driving decisions are based on human-style reasoning, they are explainable, their ethics can be ensured, and they will always be correct, provided the system modeling and system inputs are correct.

Soumis à arXiv le 17 Oct. 2021

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