Objective assessment of corneal transparency in the clinical setting with standard SD-OCT devices

Auteurs : Maëlle Vilbert, Romain Bocheux, Cristina Georgeon, Vincent Borderie, Pascal Pernot, Kristina Irsch, Karsten Plamann

arXiv: 2112.00528v1 - DOI (physics.med-ph)
15 pages, 7 figures, 1 table
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : PURPOSE: To develop an automated algorithm allowing extraction of quantitative corneal transparency parameters from clinical spectral-domain OCT images. To establish a representative dataset of normative transparency values from healthy corneas. METHODS: SD-OCT images of 83 normal corneas (ages 22-50 years) from a standard clinical device (RTVue-XR Avanti, Optovue Inc.) were processed. A pre-processing procedure is applied first, including a derivative approach and a PCA-based correction mask, to eliminate common central artifacts (i.e., apex-centered column saturation artifact and posterior stromal artifact) and enable standardized analysis. The mean intensity stromal-depth profile is then extracted over a 6-mm-wide corneal area and analyzed according to our previously developed method deriving quantitative transparency parameters related to the physics of light propagation in tissues, notably tissular heterogeneity (Birge ratio; $B_r$), followed by the photon mean-free path ($l_s$) in homogeneous tissues (i.e., $B_r \sim 1$). RESULTS: After confirming stromal homogeneity ($B_r < 10$, IDR: 1.9-5.1), we measured a median $l_s$ of 570 $\mu$m (IDR: 270-2400 $\mu$m). Considering corneal thicknesses, this may be translated into a median fraction of transmitted (coherent) light $T_{coh(stroma)}$ of 51$\%$ (IDR: 22-83$\%$). No statistically significant correlation between transparency and age or thickness was found. CONCLUSIONS: Our algorithm provides robust and quantitative measurement of corneal transparency from standard clinical SD-OCT images. It yields lower transparency values than previously reported, which may be attributed to our method being exclusively sensitive to spatially coherent light. Excluding images with central artifacts wider than 300 $\mu$m also raises our median $T_{coh(stroma)}$ to 70$\%$ (IDR: 34-87$\%$).

Soumis à arXiv le 01 Déc. 2021

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