An AI-based Learning Companion Promoting Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All

Auteurs : Maria Perez-Ortiz, Erik Novak, Sahan Bulathwela, John Shawe-Taylor

Published as an Opinion Report from the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Artifical Intelligence (AI) in Education has great potential for building more personalised curricula, as well as democratising education worldwide and creating a Renaissance of new ways of teaching and learning. We believe this is a crucial moment for setting the foundations of AI in education in the beginning of this Fourth Industrial Revolution. This report aims to synthesize how AI might change (and is already changing) how we learn, as well as what technological features are crucial for these AI systems in education, with the end goal of starting this pressing dialogue of how the future of AI in education should unfold, engaging policy makers, engineers, researchers and obviously, teachers and learners. This report also presents the advances within the X5GON project, a European H2020 project aimed at building and deploying a cross-modal, cross-lingual, cross-cultural, cross-domain and cross-site personalised learning platform for Open Educational Resources (OER).

Soumis à arXiv le 16 Nov. 2021

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