Observation of magnon cross-Kerr effect in cavity magnonics
Auteurs : Wei-Jiang Wu, Da Xu, Jie Qian, Jie Li, Yi-Pu Wang, J. Q. You
Résumé : When there is a certain amount of field inhomogeneity, the biased ferrimagnetic crystal will exhibit the higher-order magnetostatic (HMS) mode in addition to the uniform-precession Kittel mode. In cavity magnonics, we show both experimentally and theoretically the cross-Kerr-type interaction between the Kittel mode and HMS mode. When the Kittel mode is driven to generate a certain number of excitations, the HMS mode displays a corresponding frequency shift and vice versa. The cross-Kerr effect is caused by an exchange interaction between these two spin-wave modes. Utilizing the cross-Kerr effect, we realize and integrate a multi-mode cavity magnonic system with only one yttrium iron garnet (YIG) sphere. Our results will bring new methods to magnetization dynamics studies and pave a way for novel cavity magnonic devices by including the magnetostatic mode-mode interaction as an operational degree of freedom.
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