Thermal desorption of interstellar ices. A review on the controlling parameters and their implications fromsnowlines to chemical complexity

Auteurs : Marco Minissale, Yuri Aikawa, Edwin Bergin, M. Bertin, Wendy A. Brown, Stephanie Cazaux, Steven B. Charnley, Audrey Coutens, Herma M. Cuppen, Victoria Guzman, Harold Linnartz, Martin R. S. McCoustra, Albert Rimola, Johanna G. M. Schrauwen, Celine Toubin, Piero Ugliengo, Naoki Watanabe, Valentine Wakelam, Francois Dulieu

ACS Earth and Space Science, 2022
arXiv: 2201.07512v1 - DOI (astro-ph.GA)
115 pages, 17 figures

Résumé : The evolution of star-forming regions and their thermal balance are strongly influenced by their chemical composition, that, in turn, is determined by the physico-chemical processes that govern the transition between the gas phase and the solid state, specifically icy dust grains (e.g., particles adsorption and desorption). Gas-grain and grain-gas transitions as well as formation and sublimation of interstellar ices are thus essential elements of understanding astrophysical observations of cold environments (e.g., pre-stellar cores) where unexpected amounts of a large variety of chemical species have been observed in the gas phase. Adsorbed atoms and molecules also undergo chemical reactions which are not efficient in the gas phase. Therefore, the parameterization of the physical properties of atoms and molecules interacting with dust grain particles is clearly a key aspect to interpret astronomical observations and to build realistic and predictive astrochemical models. In this consensus evaluation, we focus on parameters controlling the thermal desorption of ices and how these determine pathways towards molecular complexity and define the location of snowlines, which ultimately influence the planet formation process. We review different crucial aspects of desorption parameters both from a theoretical and experimental point of view. We critically assess the desorption parameters commonly used in the astrochemical community for astrophysical relevant species and provide tables with recommended values. In addition, we show that a non-trivial determination of the pre-exponential factor nu using the Transition State Theory can affect the binding energy value. Finally, we conclude this work by discussing the limitations of theoretical and experimental approaches currently used to determine the desorption properties with suggestions for future improvements.

Soumis à arXiv le 19 Jan. 2022

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