State of AI Ethics Report (Volume 6, February 2022)

Auteurs : Abhishek Gupta (Montreal AI Ethics Institute), Connor Wright (Montreal AI Ethics Institute), Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini (Montreal AI Ethics Institute), Masa Sweidan (Montreal AI Ethics Institute), Renjie Butalid (Montreal AI Ethics Institute)

295 pages
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : This report from the Montreal AI Ethics Institute (MAIEI) covers the most salient progress in research and reporting over the second half of 2021 in the field of AI ethics. Particular emphasis is placed on an "Analysis of the AI Ecosystem", "Privacy", "Bias", "Social Media and Problematic Information", "AI Design and Governance", "Laws and Regulations", "Trends", and other areas covered in the "Outside the Boxes" section. The two AI spotlights feature application pieces on "Constructing and Deconstructing Gender with AI-Generated Art" as well as "Will an Artificial Intellichef be Cooking Your Next Meal at a Michelin Star Restaurant?". Given MAIEI's mission to democratize AI, submissions from external collaborators have featured, such as pieces on the "Challenges of AI Development in Vietnam: Funding, Talent and Ethics" and using "Representation and Imagination for Preventing AI Harms". The report is a comprehensive overview of what the key issues in the field of AI ethics were in 2021, what trends are emergent, what gaps exist, and a peek into what to expect from the field of AI ethics in 2022. It is a resource for researchers and practitioners alike in the field to set their research and development agendas to make contributions to the field of AI ethics.

Soumis à arXiv le 12 Fév. 2022

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