IoT Smart Plant Monitoring, Watering and Security System

Auteurs : U. H. D. Thinura Nethpiya Ariyaratne, V. Diyon Yasaswin Vitharana, L. H. Don Ranul Deelaka, H. M. Sumudu Maduranga Herath

11 pages, 1 table, 3 figures
Licence : CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Résumé : Interest in home gardening has burgeoned since governments around the world-imposed lockdowns to suppress the spread of COVID-19. Nowadays, most families start to do gardening during this lockdown season because they can grow vegetables and fruits or any other plants that they want in their day-to-day life. So, they can survive without spending money on online grocery shopping for fruits and vegetables during this lockdown season. In Sri Lanka, home gardening was a trend during the past couple of months due to this pandemic. Most of the families were trying to do gardening for their needs. But the problem is, nowadays the government is trying to release those restrictions to start day-to-day work in Sri Lanka. With this situation, people are starting to do their jobs and they do not have time to spend in their gardens continuing their gardening. We thought about this problem and tried to find a solution to continue the gardening work while doing their jobs. The major concern is people cannot monitor their plants every time and protect their garden. So, we decided to automate the garden work. With our new solution, gardeners can monitor some important factors like the plant's healthiness, soil moisture level, air humidity level, and the surrounding temperature and water their garden from anywhere in the world at any time by using our app. Plant health has a significant impact on plant development, production, and quality of agricultural goods. The goal of this study is to create an automated system that can identify the presence of illness in plants based on variations in plant leaf health state is created utilizing sensors such as temperature, humidity, and color....

Soumis à arXiv le 16 Fév. 2022

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