Explainability in Machine Learning: a Pedagogical Perspective

Auteurs : Andreas Bueff, Ioannis Papantonis, Auste Simkute, Vaishak Belle

Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Given the importance of integrating of explainability into machine learning, at present, there are a lack of pedagogical resources exploring this. Specifically, we have found a need for resources in explaining how one can teach the advantages of explainability in machine learning. Often pedagogical approaches in the field of machine learning focus on getting students prepared to apply various models in the real world setting, but much less attention is given to teaching students the various techniques one could employ to explain a model's decision-making process. Furthermore, explainability can benefit from a narrative structure that aids one in understanding which techniques are governed by which questions about the data. We provide a pedagogical perspective on how to structure the learning process to better impart knowledge to students and researchers in machine learning, when and how to implement various explainability techniques as well as how to interpret the results. We discuss a system of teaching explainability in machine learning, by exploring the advantages and disadvantages of various opaque and transparent machine learning models, as well as when to utilize specific explainability techniques and the various frameworks used to structure the tools for explainability. Among discussing concrete assignments, we will also discuss ways to structure potential assignments to best help students learn to use explainability as a tool alongside any given machine learning application. Data science professionals completing the course will have a birds-eye view of a rapidly developing area and will be confident to deploy machine learning more widely. A preliminary analysis on the effectiveness of a recently delivered course following the structure presented here is included as evidence supporting our pedagogical approach.

Soumis à arXiv le 21 Fév. 2022

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