Toward Ethical AIED

Auteurs : Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Wayne Holmes

11 pages; concluding chapter from the forthcoming book to be printed by Routledge in August 2022
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : This paper presents the key conclusions to the forthcoming edited book on The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Practices, Challenges and Debates (August 2022, Routlege). As well as highlighting the key contributions to the book, it discusses the key questions and the grand challenges for the field of AI in Education (AIED)in the context of ethics and ethical practices within the field. The book itself presents diverse perspectives from outside and from within the AIED as a way of achieving a broad perspective in the key ethical issues for AIED and a deep understanding of work conducted to date by the AIED community.

Soumis à arXiv le 11 Mar. 2022

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