An Arduino based heartbeat detection device (ArdMob-ECG) for real-time ECG analysis
Auteurs : Tim Julian Möller, Martin Voss, Laura Kaltwasser
Résumé : This technical paper provides a tutorial to build a low-cost (10-100 USD) and easy to assemble ECG device (ArdMob-ECG) that can be easily used for a variety of different scientific studies. The advantage of this device is that it automatically stores the data and has a built-in detection algorithm for heartbeats. Compared to a clinical ECG, this device entails a serial interface that can send triggers via USB directly to a computer and software (e.g. Unity, Matlab) with minimal delay due to its architecture. Its software and hardware is open-source and publicly available. The performance of the device regarding sensitivity and specificity is comparable to a professional clinical ECG and is assessed in this paper. Due to the open-source software, a variety of different research questions and individual alterations can be adapted using this ECG. The code as well as the circuit is publicly available and accessible for everyone to promote a better health system in remote areas, Open Science, and to boost scientific progress and the development of new paradigms that ultimately foster innovation.
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