Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Blockchain-Based Trusted Achievement Record System for Students in Higher Education

Auteurs : Bakri Awaji, Ellis Solaiman

Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : With a growing number of institutions involved in the global education market, it has become increasingly challenging to verify the authenticity of academic achievements such as CVs and diplomas. Blockchain is an enabling technology that can play a key role in solving this problem. This study introduces a blockchain-based achievement record system that produces a verifiable record of achievements. The proposed system aims to facilitate the process of authentication and validation of certificates reliably, easily, and quickly, leveraging the unique capabilities offered through Blockchain technology (public Ethereum Blockchain) and smart contracts. We present the design and implementation of the system and its components and tools. We then evaluate the system through a number of studies to measure the system's usability, effectiveness, performance, and cost. A System Usability Scale (SUS) test gave a scale of 77.1. Through a literature survey, we demonstrate that this system is a significant improvement on legacy systems, being both more user-friendly and more efficient. We also conduct a detailed cost analysis and discuss the positives and limitations of alternative blockchain solutions.

Soumis à arXiv le 26 Avr. 2022

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