A perspective on the current state-of-the-art of quantum computing for drug discovery applications

Auteurs : Nick S. Blunt, Joan Camps, Ophelia Crawford, Róbert Izsák, Sebastian Leontica, Arjun Mirani, Alexandra E. Moylett, Sam A. Scivier, Christoph Sünderhauf, Patrick Schopf, Jacob M. Taylor, Nicole Holzmann

arXiv: 2206.00551v2 - DOI (physics.chem-ph)

Résumé : Computational chemistry is an essential tool in the pharmaceutical industry. Quantum computing is a fast evolving technology that promises to completely shift the computational capabilities in many areas of chemical research by bringing into reach currently impossible calculations. This perspective illustrates the near-future applicability of quantum computation to pharmaceutical problems. We briefly summarize and compare the scaling properties of state-of-the-art quantum algorithms, and provide novel estimates of the quantum computational cost of simulating progressively larger embedding regions of a pharmaceutically relevant covalent protein-drug complex involving the drug Ibrutinib. Carrying out these calculations requires an error-corrected quantum architecture, that we describe. Our estimates showcase that recent developments on quantum algorithms have dramatically reduced the quantum resources needed to run fully quantum calculations in active spaces of around 50 orbitals and electrons, from estimated over 1000 years using the Trotterisation approach to just a few days with sparse qubitisation, painting a picture of fast and exciting progress in this nascent field.

Soumis à arXiv le 01 Jui. 2022

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