A multiferroic two-dimensional electron gas
Auteurs : Julien Bréhin, Yu Chen, Maria D'Antuono, Sara Varotto, Daniela Stornaiuolo, Cinthia Piamonteze, Julien Varignon, Marco Salluzzo, Manuel Bibes
Résumé : Multiferroics are compounds in which at least two ferroic orders coexist - typically (anti)ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity. While magnetic order can arise in both insulating and conducting compounds, ferroelectricity is in principle not allowed in metals although a few two-dimensional (semi)metals were reported to behave as ferroelectrics. Yet, the combination with magnetic order to realize multiferroic metals remains elusive. Here, by combining x-ray spectroscopy and magnetotransport, we show the coexistence of ferroelectricity and magnetism in an oxide-based two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). The data evidence a non-volatile switching of the polar displacements and of the anomalous Hall effect by the polarization direction, demonstrating a magnetoelectric coupling. Our findings provide new opportunities in quantum matter stemming from the interplay between ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism and Rashba spin-orbit coupling in a 2DEG.
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