Analysis of high-resolution FEROS spectroscopy for a sample of variable B-type stars assembled from TESS photometry

Auteurs : Sarah Gebruers, Andrew Tkachenko, Dominic M. Bowman, Timothy Van Reeth, Siemen Burssens, Luc IJspeert, Laurent Mahy, Ilya Straumit, Maosheng Xiang, Hans-Walter Rix, Conny Aerts

A&A 665, A36 (2022)
arXiv: 2206.11280v1 - DOI (astro-ph.SR)
17 pages, 13 figures, tables A.1 and A.2 will only be available in electronic form at the CDS. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Spectroscopic data are necessary to break degeneracies in asteroseismic modelling of the interior structure in high- and intermediate-mass stars. We derive precise photospheric stellar parameters for a sample of 166 B-type stars with TESS light curves, suitable for detailed asteroseismic studies, through a homogeneous spectroscopic analysis. The variability types of these stars are classified based on all currently available TESS sectors. We obtained high-resolution spectra for all 166 targets with the FEROS spectrograph in the context of a large program. The Least-Squares Deconvolution method is employed to investigate spectral line profile variability and to detect binary systems. We identify 26 spectroscopic double-lined binaries; the remainder of the sample are 42 supergiants in the LMC galaxy and 98 Galactic stars. The spectra of the Galactic stars are analysed with the zeta-Payne, a machine learning-based spectrum analysis algorithm. We determine the five main surface parameters with average formal precisions of 70 K (Teff), 0.03 dex (logg), 0.07 dex ([M/H]), 8 km/s (vsini), and 0.7 km/s (vmicro). The average internal uncertainties we find for FEROS spectra with our spectrum analysis method are 430 K (Teff), 0.12 dex (logg), 0.13 dex ([M/H]), 12 km/s (vsini), and 2 km/s (vmicro). We find spectroscopic evidence that eight of the 98 Galactic targets are fast rotating g-mode pulsators occurring in between the slowly pulsating B (SPB) stars and delta Scuti instability strips. The g-mode frequencies of these pulsators are shifted to relatively high frequency values due to their rotation. Their apparently too low Teff relative to the SPB instability region can in most cases be explained by the gravity darkening effect. We also discover 13 new HgMn stars of which only one is found in a spectroscopic binary, resulting in a biased and therefore unreliable low binary rate of only 8%.

Soumis à arXiv le 22 Jui. 2022

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