The Resonant Tidal Evolution of the Earth-Moon Distance

Auteurs : Mohammad Farhat, Pierre Auclair-Desrotour, Gwenaël Boué, Jacques Laskar

A&A 665, L1 (2022)
arXiv: 2207.00438v1 - DOI (astro-ph.EP)
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Due to tidal interactions in the Earth-Moon system, the spin of the Earth slows down and the Moon drifts away. This recession of the Moon is now measured with great precision, but it has been realized, more than fifty years ago, that simple tidal models extrapolated back in time lead to an age of the Moon that is by far incompatible with the geochronological and geochemical evidence. In order to evade this problem, more elaborate models have been proposed, taking into account the oceanic tidal dissipation. However, these models did not fit both the estimated lunar age and the present rate of lunar recession simultaneously. Here we present a physical model that reconciles these two constraints and yields a unique solution of the tidal history. This solution fits well the available geological proxies for the history of the Earth-Moon system and consolidates the cyclostratigraphic method. The resulting evolution involves multiple crossings of resonances in the oceanic dissipation that are associated with significant and rapid variations in the lunar orbital distance, the Earth's length of the day, and the Earth's obliquity.

Soumis à arXiv le 01 Jul. 2022

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