AI Based Chatbot: An Approach of Utilizing On Customer Service Assistance

Auteurs : Rejwan Bin Sulaiman

Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Providing the best customer experience is one of the primary concerns for the firms that are based online. The advancement of machine learning is revolutionising the company's attitude towards the client through improving the service quality by implementing chatbot solutions, which gives the user instant and satisfactory answers to their enquiries. The acceptance of this technology is increasing with the new improvements and efficiency of the chatbot system. This thesis paper will cover the concept of chatbot system for the company, as a use case we took AK traders Ltd. It involves the research work on various chatbot technologies available and based on research, use them to develop a chatbot system for the company. This system will work based on the text as a conversational agent that can interact with humans by natural language. The main objective project is to develop the chatbot solution that could comply with complex questions and logical output answers in a well-defined approach. The ultimate goal is to give high-quality results (answers) based on user input (question). For the successful implementation of this project, we have undertaken an in-depth analysis of the various machine learning techniques available and followed well-structured implementation to figure out the best solution for the company. The primary concern of this project includes natural language processing (NLP), machine learning and the vector space model (VSM). The outcome of the project shows the problem-solving technique for the implementation of the chatbot system for the company at a reasonable quality level

Soumis à arXiv le 18 Jui. 2022

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