Calibrated One-class Classification for Unsupervised Time Series Anomaly Detection

Auteurs : Hongzuo Xu, Yijie Wang, Songlei Jian, Qing Liao, Yongjun Wang, Guansong Pang

13 pages, 10 figures
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Unsupervised time series anomaly detection is instrumental in monitoring and alarming potential faults of target systems in various domains. Current state-of-the-art time series anomaly detectors mainly focus on devising advanced neural network structures and new reconstruction/prediction learning objectives to learn data normality (normal patterns and behaviors) as accurately as possible. However, these one-class learning methods can be deceived by unknown anomalies in the training data (i.e., anomaly contamination). Further, their normality learning also lacks knowledge about the anomalies of interest. Consequently, they often learn a biased, inaccurate normality boundary. This paper proposes a novel one-class learning approach, named calibrated one-class classification, to tackle this problem. Our one-class classifier is calibrated in two ways: (1) by adaptively penalizing uncertain predictions, which helps eliminate the impact of anomaly contamination while accentuating the predictions that the one-class model is confident in, and (2) by discriminating the normal samples from native anomaly examples that are generated to simulate genuine time series abnormal behaviors on the basis of original data. These two calibrations result in contamination-tolerant, anomaly-informed one-class learning, yielding a significantly improved normality modeling. Extensive experiments on six real-world datasets show that our model substantially outperforms twelve state-of-the-art competitors and obtains 6% - 31% F1 score improvement. The source code is available at \url{}.

Soumis à arXiv le 25 Jul. 2022

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