A hybrid-qudit representation of digital RGB images

Auteurs : Sreetama Das, Filippo Caruso

arXiv: 2207.12550v1 - DOI (quant-ph)
10 pages, 7 figures
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Quantum image processing is an emerging topic in the field of quantum information and technology. In this paper, we propose a new quantum image representation of RGB images, which is an improvement to all the existing representations in terms of using minimum resource. We use two entangled quantum registers constituting of total 7 qutrits to encode the color channels and their intensities. Additionally, we generalize the existing encoding methods by using both qubits and qutrits to encode the pixel positions of a rectangular image. This hybrid-qudit approach aligns well with the current progress of NISQ devices in incorporating higher dimensional quantum systems than qubits. We then describe the image encoding method using higher-order qubit-qutrit gates, and demonstrate the decomposition of these gates in terms of simpler elementary gates. We use the Google Cirq's quantum simulator to verify the image retrieval. We show that the complexity of the image encoding process is linear in the number of pixels. Lastly, we discuss the image compression and some basic RGB image processing protocols using our representation.

Soumis à arXiv le 25 Jul. 2022

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