Diagnostics of nonergodic extended states and many body localization proximity effect through real-space and Fock-space excitations
Auteurs : Nilanjan Roy, Jagannath Sutradhar, Sumilan Banerjee
Résumé : We provide real-space and Fock-space (FS) characterizations of ergodic, nonergodic extended (NEE) and many-body localized (MBL) phases in an interacting quasiperiodic system, namely generalized Aubry-Andr\'e-Harper model, which possesses a mobility edge in the non-interacting limit. We show that a mobility edge in the single-particle (SP) excitations survives even in the presence of interaction in the NEE phase. In contrast, all SP excitations get localized in the MBL phase due to the MBL proximity effect. We give complementary insights into the distinction of the NEE states from the ergodic and MBL states by computing local FS self-energies and decay length associated, respectively, with the local and the non-local FS propagators. Based on a finite-size scaling analysis of the typical local self-energy across the NEE to ergodic transition, we show that MBL and NEE states exhibit qualitatively similar multifractal character. However, we find that the NEE and MBL states can be distinguished in terms of the decay of the non-local propagator in the FS, whereas the typical local FS self-energy cannot tell them apart.
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