Non-local magnon transconductance in extended magnetic insulating films.\\Part II: two-fluid behavior

Auteurs : Ryuhei Kohno, Nicolas Thiery, Eric Clot, Richard Schlitz, Kyongmo An, Vladimir V. Naletov, Laurent Vila, Nathan Beaulieu, Jamal Ben Youssef, Hugo Merbouche, Vincent Cros, Madjid Anane, Thomas Hauet, Vladislav E. Demidov, Sergej O. Demokritov, Gregoire de Loubens, Olivier Klein

arXiv: 2210.08283v1 - DOI (cond-mat.mes-hall)

Résumé : This review provides a comprehensive study of the spatial dispersion of propagating magnons, which are electrically emitted or absorbed inside extended YIG films by the spin transfer effects via a YIG$\vert$Pt interface. Our purpose is to provide a generic framework to describe magnon transconductance inside extended magnetic insulating films. We experimentally elucidate the relevant spectral contributions by studying the lateral decay of the magnon signal. While most of the injected magnons do not reach the collector, the propagating magnons may be split into two fluids: \textit{i)} a large portion of high-energy magnons carrying energy of about $k_B T_0$, where $T_0$ is the temperature of the lattice, with a characteristic decay length in the sub-micrometer range and \textit{ii)} a small portion of low-energy magnons, which are particles carrying energy of about $\hbar \omega_K$, where $\omega_K/(2 \pi)$ is the Kittel frequency, with a characteristic decay length in the micrometer range. Exploiting their different physical characteristics, the low-energy magnons may become the dominant fluid \textit{i)} at large spin transfer rate for the bias causing emission of magnons, \textit{ii)} at large distance from the emitter, \textit{iii)} at small film thickness or \textit{iv)} for reduced band mismatch between the YIG beneath the emitter and the bulk due to temperature change of the magnon bath. This broader picture amends part I \cite{kohno_SD}, which concentrates solely on the nonlinear transport properties of low-energy magnons.

Soumis à arXiv le 15 Oct. 2022

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