The Initial Magnetic Field Distribution in AB Stars
Auteurs : Eoin Farrell, Adam S. Jermyn, Matteo Cantiello, Daniel Foreman-Mackey
Résumé : Stars are born with magnetic fields, but the distribution of their initial field strengths remains uncertain. We combine observations with theoretical models of magnetic field evolution to infer the initial distribution of magnetic fields for AB stars in the mass range of 1.6 - 3.4 M$_{\odot}$. We tested a variety of distributions with different shapes and found that a distribution with a mean of $\sim$800 G and a full width of $\sim$600 G is most consistent with the observed fraction of strongly magnetized stars as a function of mass. Our most-favored distribution is a Gaussian with a mean of $\mu$ = 770 G and standard deviation of $\sigma$ = 146 G. Independent approaches to measure the typical field strength suggest values closer to 2 - 3 kG, a discrepancy that could suggest a mass-dependent and bimodal initial field distribution, or an alternative theoretical picture for the origin of these magnetic fields.
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