Exploring Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Financial Illiteracy and Exclusion among Minority Demographic Groups

Auteurs : Abhinav Shanbhag

Licence : CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Résumé : Americans across demographic groups tend to have low financial literacy, with low-income people and minorities at highest risk. This opens the door to the exploitation of unbanked low-income families through high-interest alternative financial services. This paper studies the causes and effects of financial illiteracy and exclusion in the most at-risk demographic groups, and solutions proven to bring them into the financial mainstream. This paper finds that immigrants, ethnic minorities, and low-income families are most likely to be unbanked. Furthermore, the causes for being unbanked include the high fees of bank accounts, the inability of Americans to maintain bank accounts due to low financial assets or time, banking needs being met by alternative financial services, and being provided minimal help while transitioning from welfare to the workforce. The most effective solutions to financial illiteracy and exclusion include partnerships between nonprofits, banks, and businesses that use existing alternative financial service platforms to transition the unbanked into using products that meet their needs, educating the unbanked in the use of mobile banking, and providing profitable consumer credit products targeting unbanked families with features that support their needs in addition to targeted and properly implemented financial literacy programs.

Soumis à arXiv le 20 Oct. 2022

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